You can even light a few candles if it doesn't violate a fire code. Make sure the lights in your room are dim and soft. Put it on softly, and don't even act like you had to turn the music on - it was just always there. Put on some R&B to get your girl in the right mood, or play some jazz in the background. X Research source Plan in advance - nothing will kill the mood like a messy room or a roommate who won't stop playing video games. But before you do that, you need to invite her over and make sure that the sounds, lighting, and scents at your place get your girl in the mood. If your date is going well and she clearly seems into you and wants to keep hanging out, you should invite her over to your place so you can have some more alone time.
If you want to turn on your girlfriend, you'll need to create an atmosphere that makes her want to hook up.